We design and develop customized applications to suit anyone's needs. All our applications are designed as modular components which allow you the time to build your system over time. The applications are unique to your business process, as you decide what functionality you need.

The following applications environments are available.

Web Applications

We design and develop customized web applications that run on a browser (IE Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc). The applications reside on a server and are accessed from the user's workstations, laptops, or smart phone devices. Applications can be accessed by multiple users within your organization.

Windows Applications

We design and develop standalone applications which need to be physically installed on every workstation. License fees apply for every installation.

Mobile Appllications

We design and develop custom smart phone applications.

Intranet Portals

We design and develop intranet portals that run on a browser (IE Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc) and are accessible within your organizations secure network. Used mainly as a depository for various IT services (web applications, files, forms, etc)